Landlord Policy

Looking for Rental or Vacant Property Insurance in Eustis?

If you own a rental property in Eustis or a home that happens to be vacant, a traditional homeowners insurance policy will not work.

You need what’s called a “Specialty Dwelling” insurance policy.

This is because traditional homeowners insurance excludes coverage for properties that are not owner-occupied.

In other words, if you don’t live in the house, it’s only covered by a specialty dwelling policy.

Merrill Insurance Group represents several carriers who can insure your rental property, or specialty use property.

Specialty Dwelling Insurance

There are multiple scenarios where specialty dwelling insurance is necessary:

Rental Properties — Specialty Dwelling insurance is the only type of policy that will work for a rental property.

There are certain coverages that you need as the owner of a non-owner occupied property that are only provided by a specialty dwelling insurance policy like for example Landlord Furnishings, and Tenant Liability.

Vacant Homes — vacant homes can present all kinds of problems which is why they can be extremely difficult to insure. Most insurance companies want nothing to do with a property that is vacant. We can help you though.

Seasonal & Vacation Homes — in many cases, in order to insure a secondary, seasonal, or vacation property, most companies require that you insure your primary residence with them as well, which isn’t always possible.

Older & Lower Value Homes — if your home is extremely old and/or the market value is considerably lower than the cost to rebuild it, many insurance companies may hesitate to cover it. Older or lower-valued properties present a number of problems, but we have access to specialty policies specifically for these types of homes.

Credit Problems — some homeowners might not have strong enough credit to qualify for a “standard” homeowners policy. When this is the case, specialty dwelling insurance is the alternative.

Homes Under Construction — in some situations your renovation, addition, or reconstruction project may require a specialty dwelling policy.

How to get started on your quote

If you live in Eustis and have a property that fits these parameters, give us a call and we can quote your property to see who has the best product for you.


*Misstatements or omissions of relevant information can lead to price variation or even declination or recission of coverage.

**Requesting coverage does not guarantee coverage can be provided. Coverage can begin only with specific statement by a licensed member of Merrill Insurance.

***None of the information provided on our website is a guarantee that insurance will be provided or that we are obligated to procure insurance.

****Information requests to provide a quote or work on coverage will not be shared with carriers or with any other entity without the applicant’s permission.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Merrill Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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